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Movement pattern (Interpolation teqnics)
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ToggleIn defining the target point, it is also important to specify the movement type in the robot programming. In general, there are 3 different types of movement: PtP, LIN, CIRC:

Robot interpolation - PTP - LIN - CIRC
PTP: The TCP is moving the fastest way to the target position.
LIN: The TCP moves within a straight line to the desired position.
CIRC: The TCP moves within a circular path.
The fastest movement pattern is the so called ´PTP´. But for accurate moving PTP is not applicable because no straight line is driven. The movement pattern ´Synchro PTP´ harmonizes the speed of the fast moving axis to the speed of the low moving axis. The movement patterns `LIN´ and ´CIRC ´require high computing power, because all drives of the axis have to be coordinated to each other.

Robotics - moving in Synchro PtP
Moving to reference position with tolerance- Why?

Tolerance of Position
In this picture as shown the point P2 is not hidden exactly but achieved within a permitted tolerance.
Advantage: The robot has not to be slowed down completely. That implies less attrition and short-time cycle time.
Exercises - Robort movement patterns
? A painting robot is to perform a reference run to the home position in a narrow work cell. Which type of movement should be avoided? Give reasons!
The PTP movement type should be avoided, as the TCP moves along an undefined path and a collision may occur.