Home ⇒ Overview Courses ⇒ Robotics ⇒ Kinematics / Axis
Definition Kinematics
Kinematic (gr.: kinema, movement) is the science of movement of dots and solids within the space described by coordinates, velocity v and acceleration a, without regarding the cause for the movement (forces). Kinematic is a sub-domain of the `mechanical science`.
Kinematic describes the mechanism for moving of a robot. In this context the following items are to be explained in this lesson:
1. Movement pattern of axis
- Translational axis
- Rotatory axis
2. Assembly of axis
- Order of the axis within the robotic-device
- Position of the rotation axis, position of the fixed points of rotatory axis, direction of movement of translation axis
3. Quantity of axis
4. Shape of workspace
In this video you get the kinematics and workspace as well as the advantages and appliance of the three most important industrial robots: the articulated robot, the SCARA and the Gantry robot.

fig.: robot workspace and degree of freedom
Workspace: All the points which the robot can reach. The shape of the workspace is defined by the main axis.
Degree of freedom (DOF): The mechanical degree of freedom (DOF) is the number of possible independent movements. The universal robot has e.g. the degree of freedom (DOF) = 6: three axes for positioning the TCP within its operational space. In addition, three hand axes to rotate the tool at any angle.
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