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Check Yourself!

Which statement about the function of this PLC program is correct?

PLC - 2 from 3 circuit

PLC – 2 from 3 circuit


Which statement about the following logical function is correct?

Interlocking Outputs in PLC

Interlocking Outputs in PLC


A fan should run (Q1 = 1) when the main switch is actuated (S = 1), the temperature sensor (bimetal) reports overtemperature (T = 0) and the motor is running (S2 = 1). Which logical function can be applied to this task?

PLC Ladder 2

PLC Ladder 2


The output should only switch to state “1” if only one input has a logical “1” at a time. Which logical function do you have to use here?


Logic NOR


Which logical function is represented in this truth table?


Work order  - Coke Mix dispenser with PLC

Your work order is to develop a Coke mix dospenser with a plc. You make your choice using four buttons, as shown.

Coke dispenser with PLC

Coke dispenser with PLC

  • Create a true table ​​for all 4 outputs.
  • Create a logical equation for all 4 outputs.
  • If possible, simplify these equations using switching algebra and Karnaugh maps.

Note: Only one button should be pressed at a time. If more than one button is pressed, this means incorrect operation.