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Work order: PLC - material and black / white detection
The following transfer system checks workpieces for their material and height. In order to design the structure and programming in a modular way, the transfer line is divided into individual stations.
Station 1:
- Detecting workpiece carrier
- Detecting ´WC´-jam
- Checking material and color (black or white, metal or plastic)
Station 2:
- Checking height of the workpiece
Station 3:
- Stamping the workpieces with correct height

Technology scheme - PLC test station
Sensors and actuators of the individual stations are as follows:
To be able to program Station 1, you should be able to answer the following questions in advance:
- Which of the three sensors reacts to all materials?
- Which of the three sensors reacts only to metals?
- How does the photoelectric proximity switch (Photoelectric Sensor Reflective model) react to light, shiny or black, matt surfaces?
Further work steps:
- Creating a truth table,
- Create a logical equation for each output (here the LEDs for display),
- Creating a logic diagram from the logical equations