PLC-exercises II – boolean algebra

Boolean Algebra exercises

Boolean Algebra exercise 1

Boolean Algebra exercise 1

Derive the switching algebra expression that corresponds one to one with the circuit as shown.


Exercise 1

Simplify the circuit shown using Boolean algebra and check your result with a KV-diagram!

Exercise Simplification by Boolean algebra and KV diagram 1

Exercise Simplification by Boolean algebra and KV diagram 1

Exercise 2

Simplify the following boolean equation using Boolean algebra!

Boolean Algebra exercise 2

Boolean Algebra exercise 2

Exercise 3

Simplify the circuit shown using Boolean algebra and check your result with a KV-diagram!

Boolean Algebra exercise 3

Boolean Algebra exercise 3

Exercise 4

Simplify the following boolean equation using Boolean algebra and proof your result with a KV-diagram:

Exercise 5

Simplify the following boolean equation using Boolean algebra:

Exercise 6

Determine the simplified Boolean equation from the following digital circuit. There are two ways to solve this:

  1. Determine the equations at the output of each individual gate.
  2. Use a truth table

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