Exercises Closed-loop ControlEnglishDeutschPortuguêsEspañolClosed Loop ControlsController ON/OFFHow to program an ON OFF Controller3-Point ControllerAnalog controllerControlled systemsDifference between Setpoint control system and Follow-up control systemExercises Closed-loop ControlControl systems and Laplace transformationControl Engineering VideosIndex Closed Loop ControlHome ⇒ Overview Courses ⇒ Closed Loop Controls ⇒ Test Closed-loop ControlExercises Closed-loop ControlShown below is the control behavior of a level control when using three different controller types. Which statement is correct?Closed-Loop Control – Control behaviour with different controller types Figure A: Binary controller, Figure B: P controller, Figure C: PID controller Figure A: P-controller, Figure B: 3-Point controller, Figure C: PI controller Figure a: On-Off controller, Figure b: P controller, Figure c: PI controller Figure a: P controller, Figure b: Analog controller, Figure c: PI controller Figure A: P-controller, Figure B: On-Off controller, Figure C: PI controllerWhich statement about an On-Off Control is correct? The smaller the switching hysteresis of the control device, the smaller the fluctuation of the controlled variable and the higher the switching frequency. The bigger the switching hysteresis of the controller, the lower the fluctuation of the controlled variable and the smaller the switching frequency. The switching frequency increases with the switching hysteresis of the controller. The smaller the switching hysteresis of the control device, the higher the fluctuation of the controlled variable and the smaller the switching frequency. The fluctuation of the controlled variable is independent of the switching hysteresis – it only depends on the setpoint value. Loading … < Previous Page | Next Page >